Friday, November 13, 2015

365 Days of Change - Day 1

Today is November the 13th.  It isn't January the 1st or a Monday, but I am initiating my 365 Days of Change!  

Day 1: Blow the dust off my blog and commit to writing again!  

In the years since we last met, both Wentworth and I have come out of the closet!  I am now happily married to a beautiful and kind woman.  We have been together for 3 years and I am outrageously happy!

I've traveled to Europe twice, been to Cuba, Mexico and the Dominican Republic, New York City and have plans for Orlando (Harry Potter, here we come!), Portugal/Spain and Ireland/Scotland.  Not bad for somebody who traveled for the first time at 37!

I have built up some great friendships and take the time to cherish and foster them.  

My daughter is almost finished university.

I have a job with a company I love that has lots of potential for movement.

That's it for Day 1.

Creativity will come, I hope!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! Such a happy update. Congratulations to your whole family!


Please feel free to drop a line to let me know you've been here. It's so motivating to write more if you know somebody's reading! Enjoy your days!!