There it is
The darkness
Chasing me
Hiding behind every bend
Seeping into the cracks and crevices
Trying to surprise me
I see it
I hear it
I feel it
I run in every possible direction
I hide from it
I trick it
And yet it finds me
Somehow the darkness
Moving like water
Blankets over me
Blinds me for a while
Incapacitates me
I hate the dark
There it is
The light
It chases me too
Seeping into the cracks and crevices
I see it
I hear it
I feel it
It finds me
And I run toward it
Making the blanket of darkness lift slightly
And the light holds up the blanket
So that I can run
And get a head start
Outrunning the darkness
While the light stands guard
For all its worth
I love the light
Easy Homemade Yeast Bread Recipe
4 days ago